
Friday, May 28, 2010

Classic MySpace Blog - Bob Lonsberry on Pat Ramsey - Friday, August 18, 2006

If Richard Dutcher is the Manowar of "Mormon cinema," Bob Lonsberry is the Manowar of talk radio.

A lovable fuckhead.

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What's on his mind?

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Pat Ramsey.

Isn't she just the cat's pajamas?

Quite possibly, now that John Carr's confessed...

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To hear Mr. Lonsberry pontificate on the matter was sheer bliss. With a straight face (I assume), he suggested that by dying last June, dead Pat Ramsey was able to team up with dead JonBenet and help inspire living investigators to finally track down her true killer. How this all works, he wasn't too sure. But certainly it was plausible...

No way on earth this guy's not fucking with us.