
Monday, March 30, 2009


Originally posted Thursday, June 1st, 2006

In sixth grade Alex and I hopped on BART and travelled into The City where we attended a Star Wars convention. On our way back I got us all going the wrong way on a train bound for who-knows-where and started to cry. Alex could have made a big thing of it, but then he wouldn't have been my friend for the past quarter decade. A wise move.

Fast forward to almost now (relatively) and we both were in SF again eating cheese fries while Amie was recuperating in the ER, having almost croaked in a flower bed outside a gay karaoke nightclub.

Both experiences vie in my mind for most beloved memory, but I think The Dillinger Escape Plan show takes the cake.

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I wait for Alex at a bar down the street from 12 Galaxies knocking back tequila shots. Dillinger singer guy comes in. I recognize him off the bat because he wears the same Whitesnake tee he wore on Headbangers Ball days before.

I'm all, hey!

He comes over. Friendly guy. Digs my Locust tee. I offer him a drink of his choice. He politely refuses. I insist.

That's my tour manager over there. He'll kick my ass if he sees me drinking before a show.

We talk about his band.

Have you seen them before?

I'm all, fuck yeah!, relating my epiphany when they opened for Mr. Bungle at the top of DV8 and months later in the basement when the power fuse kept blowing up.


It strikes me as strange he keeps referring to his band as "them".

Such a humble guy for someone with biceps the size of tree trunks. Few people could bring him down, let alone some scrawny tour manager.

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At thirty seven years of age, I head to the front of the stage.


Alex is wise to keep to the rear.

Whenever consructing a sentence with him involved, "Alex is wise to..." always works.

I'm still bruised. I get some good shots off, though, and brave it with kids half my age.

Why isn't singer guy still in his Whitesnake tee?

The only flaw of the evening.

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Singer guy stands outside the venue after the show. Kids surround him and ask how to make it in the biz and whatnot. I sense Alex would just as soon pass the whole scene by. I stop. Alex keeps walking. Singer guy seems to recognize me from before. Gives me a welcoming glance. I approach.

Man, that was awesome. You guys rock.


I gotta tell ya,
Miss Misery never comes out out of my CD player.

Um, that's all well and good, but
Miss Misery is an Elliott Smith song. Our album is called Miss Machine...

Oh. Well, okay then, bye bye.


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