
Friday, January 30, 2009


In 1990, if you were living in East Providence, RI as a Latter-day Saint missionary, you were damn lucky happening upon a radio/tape recorder when you moved into your next apartment. I mean, guys left shit behind, like used up socks, toasters full of crumbs that smoked out the neighbors, pillows that were most-def going directly to the dumpster, and food that was long outdated - foul, and not the least bit amusing; but, hardly EVER electronics, and almost NEVER electronics that worked well enough to be labeled survival gear - the gear that got you through that mission alive.

I happened upon one of these rare and most valuable devices, and having recently realized The Comedy Hour on an FM station in another area, began taping the sacrilegious blasphemy that 'normal,' well, rather, 'non-Mormon' humans called "comedy acts."

Bill Hicks blew my mind.

Tonight, David Letterman, for some universal fucked-up reason that I’m not privy to, let me know that he had realized Bill Hicks was ahead of his time and had to make right what he had done so wrong back in 1993 - right before Bill died. David nixed airing an amazing Hicks stand-up act for what he described as really "no reason at all" on his show and attempted to make amends by having Bill’s mom on, and playing in full, the clip he cut that is still so relevant today...

CBS told Bill that his material was unsuitable for their audience. Letterman admitted it was his decision to cut the act, and he meant to make it right tonight, January 30, 2009.

Thanks, Dave, and thanks, Bill Hicks.

Dead, you are STILL ahead of your time.



At February 11, 2009 at 7:40 AM , Blogger AudreyJane said...

fucking amazing.
ouais vraiment. ok alors, au revoir.


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